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As a private, independent and non-profit association, OFES supporting the development of high-performance, international standards-based waste management in Jordan, involving all relevant civil society groups.

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* This website was produced with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU). Its contents are the sole responsibility of OFES and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BMZ or EU”.

© 2021 All right Reserved by the Organic Fertiliser Eco Systems Association

Designs and developed by HABOO Agency

As a private, independent and non-profit association, OFES supporting the development of high-performance, international standards-based waste management in Jordan, involving all relevant civil society groups.

Contact Us

* This website was produced with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU). Its contents are the sole responsibility of OFES and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BMZ or EU”.

© 2021 All right Reserved by the Organic Fertiliser Eco Systems Association

Designs and developed by HABOO Agency

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